How to Keep your Home & Garage Safe

In your home, you want to feel as safe and secure as possible – which is why you cannot afford to get complacent with home security. While the odds of you suffering from a break-in are slim, and many homeowners actually overestimate the possibility of a break-in, the reality is that you can never predict…

In your home, you want to feel as safe and secure as possible – which is why you cannot afford to get complacent with home security. While the odds of you suffering from a break-in are slim, and many homeowners actually overestimate the possibility of a break-in, the reality is that you can never predict when you might be the victim of opportunity.

The facts

  • There are 1.3 million Brits that elect not to invest in home security measures, such as burglar alarms or cameras.
  • Out of those with an alarm fitted, up to 34% of them admit to not activating it when out of the house or during the night.
  • Most burglaries happen between 10AM and 3PM.
  • Those who have been burgled before, have over 25% chance of it happening again.
  • Burglars prefer properties that offer cover such as high hedges.

Preventative action

Taking measures to reduce the risk of a break in is essential for greater peace of mind in your home. By having sufficient and reliable home security, you will remain confident that you have adequately mitigated the possibility of a break-in.

Windows and doors

Locking the windows and doors of your home each night and whenever you are out of the house is crucial to preventing crime. It might sound obvious, but there are some who believe it does little to stop burglars. Many crimes are that of opportunity, and so not giving them an excuse is the easiest and most basic defence you can implement. Having a modern, secure garage door that properly locks is another way to discourage easy access to your property, as many home garages have an access door to the home.


Having a security system in place is vital towards preventing burglaries. At the very least, the alarm will startle the burglar and bring attention to them which is the last thing they want, and so could result in scaring them off. With the growing prominence of smart homes, you can now install systems that can work remotely, too, allowing you to keep a check on your home no matter where you are.

Plan for the worst

However prepared you are, there is always a slim chance that the worst will happen, or that whatever measures you put in place might fail. If this happens you need to know what to do, so sitting down with your family, talking with the neighbours, or staging mock burglaries will help to put a plan in place – just try not to scare the kids.


According to advice from the Greater Manchester Police, one of the best solutions to keeping your home secure is by investing in property insurance. This is because sometimes there is nothing you can do about a break-in and so having insurance will help soften the blow of a break-in. Having this insurance will also assist in lowering your premiums, as insurance companies love to see responsible homeowners who have already taken steps to secure their properties.

Safe and secure

It is impossible to entirely prevent a burglary, but doing everything you can to reduce the possibility will help you sleep better at night – and feel more comfortable being out of the house. Proper security investment pays, so don’t neglect to seek out the best options for you.

Here at Garage Doors 4 You, we offer additional security options for your garage, so please do not hesitate to contact our closest branch to you or send us a message on our contact page.  

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