4 Ways To Make Your Garage Greener And Save You Money

The more we understand and see the effects of global warming, the more important it has become to reduce our negative impact on the environment. Recycling household waste, turning off electronic equipment when not in use, and not wasting food are all simple ways to help the environment from the comfort of your home. However,…

Two men in blue overalls working on a garage door, ensuring it functions smoothly.

The more we understand and see the effects of global warming, the more important it has become to reduce our negative impact on the environment. Recycling household waste, turning off electronic equipment when not in use, and not wasting food are all simple ways to help the environment from the comfort of your home. However, one area that is often overlooked is your garage. So we’ve put together four simple ways to make your garage greener. What’s more, these four tips won’t just make your home more environmentally friendly, they’ll also save you money in the process, so it’s a win-win situation!

Change your light bulbs

One of the quickest and easiest ways to make your garage greener is to replace all old light bulbs with more energy-efficient ones, like Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs). This type of light bulb lasts 40 times longer than typical incandescent bulbs. They also don’t heat up like traditional bulbs and are more durable as they don’t contain a filament. 

Multiple LED lights laid on a surface together.

Save water

Water butts are a cheap, effective way to reduce your home’s carbon footprint. By connecting your gutters to a water butt or two, you can collect rainwater that can then be used for cleaning your patio, washing your car or watering your plants. This saves you using water from your tap and reduces your water bills.

A wooden shed with guttering connected to a water butt or two, in order to collect rainwater that can then be used for cleaning your patio, washing your car or watering your plants.

Insulate your garage door

Many garage doors are flimsy and those that are old and worn can often have gaps that allow cold air to enter, making your garage colder than it ought to be and using more resources to heat up. We offer garage doors that are well-insulated to stop cold air from coming in and warm air from escaping. Buying a new, insulated garage door is cost-effective in the long run as less energy will be needed to increase the temperature and so your future heating bills will be greatly reduced.

Add energy-efficient materials

If you are renovating your garage then you should take some time to research the right materials to make the space more eco-friendly. Solar panels, reinforced windows and insulation boards are just some of the materials that will improve energy-efficiency while also making your garage more secure. While these changes may initially seem costly, the energy costs saved in the long term more than make up for it.   

A house with solar panels on the roof, harnessing the power of the sun for energy.

If you have an old garage door then it won’t be offering the green, money-saving benefits that newer designs have. So if you’re looking to replace your door, then call our team on 01634 244452 or contact us online. We will be happy to help with any questions you have and finding the right garage door to suit your needs!

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