How to Convert your Garage into a Home Cinema

If you are not using your garage to store your vehicle, then using it as a home cinema instead is a great way to add value to your property. The first step is to buy a projector and speakers, the next step is making space for these home cinema essentials…  Comfortable seats It goes without…

Cozy home cinema with comfy leather recliner sofas and a large flat screen TV.

If you are not using your garage to store your vehicle, then using it as a home cinema instead is a great way to add value to your property. The first step is to buy a projector and speakers, the next step is making space for these home cinema essentials… 

Comfortable seats

It goes without saying that you need comfortable seating, especially if you’re planning to watch The Godfather trilogy or a cricket test match. Fewer chairs are comfier than a la-z-boy-style recliner, these make even the longest epic a joy to sit through. Alternatively, add a sofa to sit with your children while watching Disney classics, or to cosy up to your loved one in front of a rom-com. 

Popcorn maker

A red popcorn maker machine on a cart next to a bowl.

It’s simply not a home cinema without popcorn. Popcorn makers come in all sizes and prices, so it really depends on how much you love the snack and how many people you’ll be munching down with.       

Drinks fridge and cabinet 

Eating all that popcorn is thirsty work, so a drink cooler with your favourite beverages on hand is a great addition to your home cinema setup. Why not go fully stocked with a globe drinks cabinet to join James Bond as he’s sipping a martini or to do your best Tom Cruise in Cocktail impression.

A stylish globe drink & wine cabinet, as well as a wine rack.

Shelves for films

While you may be using Netflix or other streaming platforms, don’t forget about your collection of DVDs. A shelf or cabinet for these will make sure you don’t forget your movie buying journey and how your taste has changed over the years.     

Film posters

Show off your taste in movies with a few posters of your favourite films, some of which have become truly iconic like Jaws, Scarface and The Exorcist. Framing these behind glass adds a touch of quality and prevents them from getting weather-worn.

A few posters of people's favourite films, some of which have become truly iconic like Jaws, Scarface and The Exorcist.


No matter how much you love Star Wars, you won’t be getting to the ‘I am your father scene’ if your garage is cold and uninviting. Depending on your budget and how much you’ll be using the home cinema, you may want to install a heating unit or two or alternatively buy a portable heater. This goes the other way too, so in the summer you may consider investing in a fan or air conditioning system to keep your garage at the perfect temperature.        

Keeping your garage secure

Turning your garage into a home cinema doesn’t have to break the bank. Many of the items listed can be snapped up on auction sites and local community forums for next to nothing, and you can always start small and build up. 

With your newly acquired gadgets, you may wish to upgrade the security of your garage. Apart from our wide range of garage doors, we also offer optional extras like additional security to keep your items safe. Contact us today to find out how we can take your home cinema to the next level. Happy film watching!

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