Top Tips for Preparing Your Garage For Winter

The cold, winter months can cause irreversible damage to the structure of your garage that is expensive to repair. The items you keep in your garage can also be ruined by the harsh weather, many of which come at a high cost to replace. With a few simple modifications you can make your garage a…

man in red jacket clearing snow outside a double garage

The cold, winter months can cause irreversible damage to the structure of your garage that is expensive to repair. The items you keep in your garage can also be ruined by the harsh weather, many of which come at a high cost to replace. With a few simple modifications you can make your garage a more pleasant place for all those who use it.    

Get organised

The first step is to tidy your garage and have a good clear out to get rid of anything you don’t need anymore and to remove items that don’t need to be kept in the garage at this time of the year. This thorough clear out and clean up will also help highlight issues such as damp, and identify any holes or cracks that need to be sealed to prevent cold air coming in. This brings us to our next point; keeping your garage warm.

Increase insulation, decrease costs

Buying a portable heater will make any winter visit to the garage that bit more bearable and if you plan to use your garage for long periods of time during the winter, you may wish to insulate its walls and ceilings to improve heat retention. While this may be costly at first, it could work out cheaper in the long run as heating costs are reduced. Furthermore, if your garage is attached to your house this will also help your home’s interior stay warmer and consequently reduces your heating bill even further as you won’t need to turn up the thermostat as much.        

Even if you don’t plan to spend much time in the garage this winter, the items that are in there will certainly thank you for keeping the area well insulated as the warmer environment will prevent items from rusting and getting weather-worn. Walking to your car is also more pleasant when your garage is insulated, and the inside of your vehicle warms up much faster too. Keeping your garage warm will also prevent any water pipes from bursting. Protecting these pipes averts serious damage to your plumbing system, which saves you time, stress and money.

Turn a weakness into a strength

Typically, the weakest point for cold air entering your garage is its door especially if it is an older model. This is why it pays to invest in a new garage door. Modern garage doors have been specifically designed to withstand colder conditions through better insulation. Your garage door is likely to be the largest opening in your home; updating it will also have the added benefits of improved security and appearance, and increasing the value of your home.

If you spend any time in your garage during the winter, you’ll appreciate the slightly warmer environment when you make these simple changes to improve conditions. And of course, the sooner you prepare, the sooner you will benefit.

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