Seasonal Garage Door Preparations

The weather in the UK can be very changeable, noticed most as each season draws to a close, which can be a problem for homeowners when it comes to garage door maintenance. From temperature changes that affect the operation of your door system to peeling paint and squeaky door sliders, keeping on top of your…

The weather in the UK can be very changeable, noticed most as each season draws to a close, which can be a problem for homeowners when it comes to garage door maintenance. From temperature changes that affect the operation of your door system to peeling paint and squeaky door sliders, keeping on top of your maintenance needs can become a chore. To help you, we’ve shared a handy guide about seasonal garage door preparations so that you can enjoy using your garage all year round.


Seasonal Garage Door Preparations – Top Tips

Whether you are heading into winter or just coming into spring, keeping on top of garage door repairs and maintenance jobs is essential. Take a look at some simple tips to help you know where to start:

  •       Check the Door Openers – as you open your garage door, listen for any strange noises or lurching movements. There may be debris build up that needs to be cleared and your components may need to be oiled to help them move freely. If this basic maintenance doesn’t solve the issue then you may need to check for damage to the door.
  •       Check the Handles – the more you use your garage door, the more chance that your door handles will become loose and need tightening. Taking the time to do this will ensure that the garage runs effectively, without problems.
  •       Check the Paintwork – the weather can wreak havoc with garage door paintwork, leaving chipped or flaking paint that needs addressing. This is an important part of maintaining garage door jobs and requires you to strip back the damaged paint and recover the door with garage-specific, external paint for an attractive finish.
  •       Think About Insulation – keeping your garage door as insulated as possible is the best way to keep moisture out. Add or replace weatherstripping to the bottom of the garage door and check it for damage at the end of each season so that it can be replaced in a timely fashion.
  •       Clean Your Garage – if you want the best Medway garage doors then take the time to also clean and sweep your garage when you are completing your seasonal garage door preparations. This will help you avoid debris build up and reduce the risk of damaging your garage doors when they are in use.
  •       Use Garage Door Specialists – if you find damage to your garage doors or a maintenance problem that you don’t know how to fix then reach out to garage door specialists who can help you solve the problem or provide you with a new system.


Buy Garage Doors in Kent

If you are looking for a garage door installer, Kent residents can turn to Garage Doors 4 You! Not only can we advise if your problem can be solved with routine seasonal garage door preparations, but we can also provide you with a free quote for new garage doors. Reach out to our team of garage door experts today and look forward to new and fresh garage doors that make your house look amazing.

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